Report of the Green Circle and Cybersecurity Awareness Society


Green Circle is proud to announce that it’s one of the few companies worldwide that is able to defeat the famous and overgrowing Ransomware Attack. Green Circle through its offices & labs in the US, UK, and Jordan, with a top-class cybersecurity team, have successfully helped major companies public and private located in Jordan and the region to recover their encrypted sensitive data, mitigate their security vulnerabilities, providing a digital forensics report, and then equipping them with the right cybersecurity tools to make sure that they won’t fall victim for the digital extortion of the Ransomware Hackers. We in Green Circle are so confident of our capabilities to defeat the Ransomware Attack that we offer our clients a 100% money-back guarantee just in case we couldn’t retrieve their data. For more information, or consultancy regarding the Ransomware Attack

Please don’t hesitate to contact us
